Muskie Guide
– World Champion Tournament Angler –
– Outdoor Writer –
– International Seminar Speaker –
– Musky Insider Cofounder –
Hello! My name is Josh Borovsky. I am a full-time muskie guide based in Minnesota with over 20 years of guiding experience. I truly believe, my purpose in life is to use my creativity, analytical skills, and enthusiasm to inspire and empower people to be successful and happy on the water and in life. In addition to guiding, I fulfill my life purpose through the content I create for television, outdoor publications, social media, seminars, and Musky Insider (a weekly online publication I co-founded with Nick Lindner in 2019). I separate myself from other guides by bringing an unmatched level of customer service to my clients. You can learn more about how I do this by exploring the Testimonials and About Your Trip sections here at my site.